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Mama J.Lo

Mama J.Lo

Date: Jul 16 2021

Themes: Music


1. Learn Vocabulary - Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.

2. Read and Prepare - Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.

Just a couple of weeks ago Jennifer Lopez finally announced that she’s pregnant. But the tabloids have already been talking about it for months. It seems like they might have known before the father!

But you sure wouldn’t have been able to tell that everyone’s favorite acting, singing and dancing Latina star is pregnant from looking at her tour schedule. Listen to Devan and Amanda talk about how being with child hasn’t slowed J.Lo down at all.


1. Listen and Read - Listen to the audio and read the dialog at the same time.

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2. Study - Read the dialog again to see how the vocab words are used.





Amanda:  Have you heard about J-Lo?

Devan:  That she’s pregnant?

Amanda:  Yeah.

Devan:  I heard she’s pregnant with twins.

Amanda:  Are you sure? Because that’s Christina Aguilera.

Devan:  Christina Aguilera’s pregnant too?

Amanda:  I thought she had twins. Are you sure it’s J.Lo?

Devan:  Yeah, I saw it on U.S. Weekly, or Us Weekly.

Amanda:  I must have been listening incorrectly. So they’re both knocked up, but I thought one was having twins, Christina Aguilera, so I’m glad we had this conversation.

Devan:  J-Lo is having twins with Marc Anthony. That is the word according to People Magazine, Us Weekly and National Enquirer.

Amanda:  That’s awesome! I think it’s so interesting that she’s been on tour performing with her scantily clad tight leggings and no one even…well…There was a little love bump, but for the most part nobody knew.

Devan:  She can pull it off.

Amanda:  She totally pulled off performing and dancing and singing four months pregnant.

Devan:  Did you know she’s 39?

Amanda:  I did not know that. Well, Mark Anthony’s like 70, so…

Devan:  70? I think he’s 86, actually. But no, she looks hot!



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There’s a little confusion here. Both Christina Aguilera and Jennifer Lopez are pregnant. They both denied it until very recently despite numerous reports in the press. According to the tabloids, J.Lo is the one having twins. It takes Devan and Amanda a minute to sort that out.

Amanda is amazed how J.Lo has been performing despite being four months pregnant. She says that J.Lo has started to show just a little bit, but that otherwise, she looks just the same.

Devan finds it surprising that J.Lo is 39 years old, because she looks so good. (In actuality, Devan is wrong. J.Lo is only 38.) Amanda and Devan joke that J.Lo’s husband, Marc Anthony is in his 70s or 80s. He’s actually only 39!

Why do you think J.Lo and Christina Aguilera denied being pregnant for so long?



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Saudi Arabia

it's great news

but all these word are recognized already.

thanks alot

good to see u

07:58 AM Nov 19 2007 |




well,two bitches.

07:50 AM Nov 19 2007 |



Christina Aguilera just had tour performing in China about one or two month before, and she looked great… couln't imagine that she is having a baby.

07:47 AM Nov 19 2007 |



that;s quite interesting!

07:43 AM Nov 19 2007 |



well,I was mazed the two mowen were so hard-working or they loved what they were doing .Life is difficult but it brings lots of things intersting.cherishing it! 

07:14 AM Nov 19 2007 |



Hi Mama

Your thoughts are good. In third world contries there are many problems for a lady to know about her exact postion. I came a across with this when my wife was pregnant. Lady doctor tell me that the head of the child is so big normal dilevery is not possible major operations is required. When child was born there was no sign of big head. Allah (GOD) help me to overcome this situation.


07:06 AM Nov 19 2007 |



I don't know J,L-o,who is she?a famous star

06:25 AM Nov 19 2007 |



Not so interesting!

06:15 AM Nov 19 2007 |




its a good lession in regerding women pregnanat gossip. i reall learn a few new words from current lession.but i dont know about the cristina aguliera and J.LO its must be famouse actore its looking from their reputation. any way its a good acting for the learning..

Thanks to all.

06:14 AM Nov 19 2007 |


Sri Lanka

It's nice to know that J Lo is knocked up.I saw she was performing recently with scantily clad and wow! she was awesome i didn't evevn noticed the love bump she completely pulled off.I like J Lo very much and she is my symbole of sexiness. I have watched each and every movie of her. out of movies i watched , Maid in manhatern, Wedding planer,Angel eyes are my favourites.Isn't it funny music video is one of my favourite music videos.

05:58 AM Nov 19 2007 |


Sri Lanka

It’s nice to know that J Lo is knocked up.I saw she was performing recently with scantily clad and wow! she was awesome i didn’t evevn noticed the love bump she completely pulled off.I like J Lo very much and she is my symbole of sexiness. I have watched each and every movie of her. out of movies i watched , Maid in manhatern, Wedding planer,Angel eyes are my favourites.Isn’t it funny music video is one of my favourite music videos.

05:58 AM Nov 19 2007 |





05:26 AM Nov 19 2007 |





05:26 AM Nov 19 2007 |




 I want to make frends,I come from chain.MY email is you

05:24 AM Nov 19 2007 |




well its good to here j.lo's already pregnant with his long time hubby….

05:23 AM Nov 19 2007 |




 that is fast,so ,most of i don't understand.


05:22 AM Nov 19 2007 |

lily zeng

lily zeng


it is so great for the two singers have the show while pregnant. It’s a hard thing for a woman pregnant, i have seen my sister’s difficult when she was pregnant, sometimes, she alway didn’t feel well, for she can’t eat many things, always throw up what she ate. give the blessing to all the woman.

05:00 AM Nov 19 2007 |



That a little I can understand but this is interesting

04:35 AM Nov 19 2007 |




Who's J,Lo? I can tell that it must be a women for she can be knocked-up.I am really sick of such gossip.I don't even give a shit..I wonder why people cares about such water like things.why not care about enviroment?

04:05 AM Nov 19 2007 |




sorry,i don't unstained

03:51 AM Nov 19 2007 |

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