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A good Wife Can Balance Ur Life




A good Wife Can Balance Ur Life

Wanna know how..??? ????? ????




http://interwebscanner.blogspot.com/2009/06/good-wife-can-bring-balance-to-your.html <!- #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:14px 0px;padding:0px 14px;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:bold;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0px;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom:10px;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;} -> <!- #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family:Arial;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight:bold;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;} #yiv62666082 #yiv26877186 #yiv1570470455 #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ 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11:12 AM May 10 2009 |

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Definitely not me, Osesame.

I'm not allowed to give my comments about other people.Laughing

08:27 AM Jul 03 2009 |




There's a conversation on tv's said that women after merried never look on their shape again…and they are talking about fat,body weight and some says that their wife body need to be aligement…i said to my wife..if it a car i can believe there a place,but for human…..i think sahara desert probably the best unswer…Laughing

09:03 AM Jul 03 2009 |



I think I am gonna live alone.. no wife no girls no women… :D

09:06 AM Jul 03 2009 |




Hey don't do that to you life Memo…if you didn't get merried..there's will be too many womens out there who will not knowing what merriage is all about including you…go and grab someone…or advertise your self in the net…Laughing

09:17 AM Jul 03 2009 |




IREMK…what to do..if we're merried and we didn't have any fight..that is not call merriage…its ok to have fight once in a while but don't throw anything like, flower vase,hammer,brick or spear..somebody might get killed..Talking about balance..if your husband is not satisfied on something…just tell him " i am sorry darling..i hope i can cool you down..should we go to bed now??"You know..husband.., if you're talking about bed…they come rushing as fast as lightning…but its not me..its somebody else…Laughing 

09:30 AM Jul 03 2009 |





Iremk replied instead of u …hahahaLaughing...with a reply i can't reply it but i'll try to reply here…..wait IremkTongue out...


sure ur last sentence u wrote while ur wife is standing beside u…..i know, she made it before(see what u wrote)Laughing....


u r 17 and ur wife 22 yrs, emmm, u think u choose the wisest wife one, i doubt? hahahahahaWink

11:37 AM Jul 03 2009 |



Your idea about cooling down a husband is really remakable but please will you teel us that why it does not apply upon you.The only inferences we get are that:1. Either you are over aggressive and cannot be cooled down by any means.2. Reference about 'Bed' does not seduce you.3. Wife is aggressive and when she is angree she does not let you to suggest about bed.Confession: we husbands have the same fate i.e. we always lose, this way or that way. 

12:23 PM Jul 03 2009 |




Neem-R..i can't see clearly what you wrote…i have tears in my eyes but still i couldn't read it clear…and Osesame…that is actually if your merriage is about 6 month old.., and after 6 yrs..you going to be tired of waiting..there's always some excuse…" i got to do loundry first darling,I have to prepare for our childrens schools darling,i have to finish my office work darling,go to bed first darling and that words "go to bed darling" is seems sound like  "go to hell darling"and bed??...there's no fancy stories anymore…Balance??...so hard to do….Laughing

12:42 PM Jul 03 2009 |



Shardzoo!!!!We husbands have the same fate i.e. we all lose in this fight, this way or that way. So better get balanced.

12:57 PM Jul 03 2009 |




Shardzoo, listen to Neemr, he talk right   hahahahaLaughingWink

01:05 PM Jul 03 2009 |