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Life Talk!

Which religion should I join...?




I want to live a complete happy life…I have tried my best… every where I have limits.. but I want to live limitless & full life…Is it possible…? can any religion satisfy me…which religion should I join…? 

02:07 AM Jan 03 2008 |

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Yes I have brain.. mind.. heart & soul too… but all move in different directions… & I  feel it's not just true for me …it's true for eveyone.. but most of us are not aware of it.. & they are comfortable with their fate.. but I am searching religious religon.. which doesn't exist .

05:10 PM Jan 09 2008 |




dear devindernagpal, how can a human being be complete happy? you know you happy because you have feeling about unhappy, everything exists dialecticly.

your worries, I think every worldly man may have, you want to live yourself life, one way you can have a reclusion life , no need face worldly latent rules. that is somewhat taoism. or you can try buddha, empty all your worldly mind, live a quiet unselfish life…just suggestionEmbarassed...

04:15 AM Jan 10 2008 |




dev u never give me the answer of my last question.

11:16 AM Jan 10 2008 |




i think i agree with semimi you cant live a limitless life,if all humans were limitless then they would do whatever they liked and there wont be peace and the happiness,which you seek,so i think we all have to be bound one way or the other.i think its the natural law in us that bounds our actions,it tells us which is good or bad.so our actions are still limited!

03:24 PM Jan 10 2008 |



Dear Nadiaa,

I am hearing suggestions from many of my dear & respectable friends.. but nobody replies to the real query… I judge religion not by the scrptures but by the behaviour of the followers… Yhose who had followed islam,christianity,hinduism… what is their practical life… do they follow the instructions.. or just cheat their master.. & I feel that what is our daily life… I don't find any of the religion who practising the codes of conduct.. ..

You say God lives in hearts.. Have you experienced or just heard… I feel you are just supporting Kanaobi's statement..without realising the presence of God in your heart.. It's very easy to say.. can you tell me how can we realise god in our heart…?


04:35 PM Jan 10 2008 |



You say mind & heart can go in the same direction in connection with God & religion… It's very easy to kill heart.. It is so delicate.. just stair in the eye of heart & it closes .. & you feel it is with you.. just close the eye & darkness wins upon the light…

Humanity is suffering inspite of our so kind religions… either religions are false.. either we are false..

What we extract from our religion is more important than the contents of it.. It is we how claim to be religious.. how do we live…. our life is certainly much important.. when we live religion falsely.. no God or allah or ram is coming to correct them.. so we have to open our eyes(cosciousness).. & see wheather our eyes are working properly… do we follow the spirit of our religions or we are hypocrites.. we have to be honest…

Had the problem been concerned with the faith just…so the problem could have been solved very easily.. but the problem is in us.. the people ..the humans.. we have killed our consciousness….....honesty, practcally …we are not religious that is the problem…

p.s… Fruits are the proof of seeds sowen.. if chillies are the fruits,it means chillies has beeb sowed ,We may expect  mangoes,We might have sowed chillies in the names of mangoes but we can't deny existence.. it allways produce fruits matching seeds..

09:29 PM Jan 10 2008 |



Welcome Shanie,

I feel that God has come down to earth to experience the life of earth… it as very dirty sir….. we are fighting just for empty words… we have not enjoyed 'complete happiness',that's why we don't agree that it happens…

To make it clear … happiness is due to some reason.. it's life is very short & is followed by sadness.. we have known this happiness alone…

another is joy… when only 'I' remains… It's concern is internal.. it doesn't depend upon material…

& third is blissfullness… It is complete happiness.. When 'I' also disappear…. It's concern is only with consmos….

Thanks for your suggestions.. up to now,none of the friend talked about the inner.. Tao… budhhism.. you are the first..

I am ready to go inside.. but I want to go with a carvan… I wish here are so many beautiful & lovely people.. we shouldn't we accompany each other.. It looks very bad to me to enjoy blissfulness alone.. I wish that all of my friends should go inside of us by holding hands together.. I am trying here to hold hands.. & you are welcome too..

09:55 PM Jan 10 2008 |




u should be a muslim i think its best religion for u and for everyone u can search some information  about our religion and im sure u will understand what i mean

07:09 PM Jan 11 2008 |



Russian Federation


08:30 PM Jan 12 2008 |




thnx for ur reply dev,

iam not only supporting the kanobi's statement, the thing which is right i support it and do agree, you asked i have any experience then i say on the behalf of my experience i was comented.well all things depends on our beliefs. and i DO believe on my GOD. and i know HIS presence is everywhere without any doubt. 

in medical point of view

IN saudi arabia

Scientist has proved that the sound which comes from heart beat is LUB DUB. But now they analyze that it is RUB RUBRUB is Arabic word which means who made each n everything.. .. That is ALLAH….... .....So it means every heart beat says ALLAH ALLAH….... ......

If u believe in this….....


07:58 AM Jan 16 2008 |