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Just looking around~

ArtisticSoul's Blog

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December 20, 2009

I heard a distant whisper come a echoing through the trees
I turned and looked west...then east...but nothing I did see.
I only felt the gentle touch of the midnight breeze.

Back to my book I turned when again I heard a sound
Come sailing on the breeze like an elegant feathered fowl
but still... I was unable to make the whisper out

I arose from my chair and turned around and stared
Scouting out the tree line expecting something there
When again I heard a whisper come floating through the air

Uncertain but quite sure a question is what I heard
Fleeing from the forest with the wings of a bird
Asking "What is it you search upon this earth?"

Silently there I stood unsure if I should speak
Uncertain if this question was even addressed to me
When again with the wind the echo returned to me

This time I spoke but in a whisper of my own
Still in a voice of confidence and authoritative tone
"I seek to fulfill the will of God...and that alone"

I stood there waiting for some kind of response or sign
Listening while looking towards the tree line of the pines
Yes waiting there I did for quite a length of time

I began thinking I'd imagined that this was taking place
or perhaps it was just another testing of my faith
Unsure of either I sat back down to contemplate
How I could grow stronger in my faith as the hour grew late.

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